Notes to Myself on Software Engineering
On the Development Process
- Code
isn’t just meant to be executed. Code is also a means of communication
across a team, a way to describe to others the solution to a problem.
Readable code is not a nice-to-have, it is a fundamental part of what
writing code is about. This involves factoring code clearly, picking
self-explanatory variable names, and inserting comments to describe
anything that’s implicit.
- Ask
not what your pull request can do for your next promotion, ask what
your pull request can do for your users and your community. Avoid
“conspicuous contribution” at all cost. Let no feature be added if it
isn’t clearly helping with the purpose of your product.
- Taste
applies to code, too. Taste is a constraint-satisfaction process
regularized by a desire for simplicity. Keep a bias toward simplicity.
- It’s
okay to say no — just because someone asks for a feature doesn’t mean
you should do it. Every feature has a cost that goes beyond the initial
implementation: maintenance cost, documentation cost, and cognitive cost
for your users. Always ask: Should we really do this? Often, the answer
is simply no.
- When
you say yes to a request for supporting a new use case, remember that
literally adding what the user requested is often not the optimal
choice. Users are focused on their own specific use case, and you must
counter this with a holistic and principled vision of the whole project.
Often, the right answer is to extend an existing feature.
- Invest
in continuous integration and aim for full unit test coverage. Make
sure you are in an environment where you can code with confidence; if
that isn’t the case, start by focusing on building the right
- It’s
okay not to plan everything in advance. Try things and see how they
turn out. Revert incorrect choices early. Make sure you create an
environment where that is possible.
- Good
software makes hard things easy. Just because a problem looks difficult
at first doesn’t mean the solution will have to be complex or hard to
use. Too often, engineers go with reflex solutions that introduce
undesirable complexity (Let’s use ML! Let’s build an app! Let’s add blockchain!)
in situations where a far easier, though maybe less obvious,
alternative is available. Before you write any code, make sure your
solution of choice cannot be made any simpler. Approach everything from
first principles.
- Avoid
implicit rules. Implicit rules that you find yourself developing should
always be made explicit and shared with others or automated. Whenever
you find yourself coming up with a recurring, quasi-algorithmic
workflow, you should seek to formalize it into a documented process, so
that other team members will benefit from the experience. In addition,
you should seek to automate in software any part of such a workflow that
can be automated (e.g., correctness checks).
- The
total impact of your choices should be taken into account in the design
process, not just the bits you want to focus on — such as revenue or
growth. Beyond the metrics you are monitoring, what total impact does
your software have on its users, on the world? Are there undesirable
side effects that outweigh the value proposition? What can you do to
address them while preserving the software’s usefulness?
Design for ethics. Bake your values into your creations.
On API Design
- Your
API has users, thus it has a user experience. In every decision you
make, always keep the user in mind. Have empathy for your users, whether
they are beginners or experienced developers.
- Always
seek to minimize the cognitive load imposed on your users in the course
of using your API. Automate what can be automated, minimize the actions
and choices needed from the user, don’t expose options that are
unimportant, design simple and consistent workflows that reflect simple
and consistent mental models.
- Simple
things should be simple, complex things should be possible. Don’t
increase the cognitive load of common use cases for the sake of niche
use cases, even minimally.
- If
the cognitive load of a workflow is sufficiently low, it should be
possible for a user to go through it from memory (without looking up a
tutorial or documentation) after having done it once or twice.
- Seek
to have an API that matches the mental models of domain experts and
practitioners. Someone who has domain experience, but no experience with
your API, should be able to intuitively understand your API using
minimal documentation, mostly just by looking at a couple of code
examples and seeing what objects are available and what their signatures
- The
meaning of an argument should be understandable without having any
context about the underlying implementation. Arguments that have to be
specified by users should relate to the mental models that the users
have about the problem, not to implementation details in your code. An
API is all about the problem it solves, not about how the software works
in the background.
- The
most powerful mental models are modular and hierarchical: simple at a
high level, yet precise as you need to go into details. In the same way,
a good API is modular and hierarchical: easy to approach, yet
expressive. There is a balance to strike between having complex
signatures on fewer objects, and having more objects with simpler
signatures. A good API has a reasonable number of objects, with
reasonably simple signatures.
- Your
API is inevitably a reflection of your implementation choices, in
particular your choice of data structures. To achieve an intuitive API,
you must choose data structures that naturally fit the domain at
hand — that match the mental models of domain experts.
- Deliberately design end-to-end workflows, not a set of atomic features. Most developers approach API design by asking: What capabilities should be available? Let’s have configuration options for them. Instead, ask: What
are the use cases for this tool? For each use case, what is the optimal
sequence of user actions? What’s the easiest API that could support
this workflow? Atomic options in your API should answer a clear
need that arises in a high-level workflow — they should not be added
“because someone might need it.”
- Error
messages, and in general any feedback provided to a user in the course
of interacting with your API, is part of the API. Interactivity and
feedback are integral to the user experience. Design your API’s error
messages deliberately.
- Because
code is communication, naming matters — whether naming a project or a
variable. Names reflect how you think about a problem. Avoid overly
generic names (x, variable, parameter), avoid OverlyLongAndSpecificNamingPatterns, avoid terms that can create unnecessary friction (master, slave),
and make sure you are consistent in your naming choices. Naming
consistency means both internal naming consistency (don’t call “dim”
what is called “axis” in other places) and consistency with established
conventions for the problem domain. Before settling on a name, make sure
to look up existing names used by domain experts (or other APIs).
- Documentation
is central to the user experience of your API. It is not an add-on.
Invest in high-quality documentation; you will see higher returns than
investing in more features.
- Show,
don’t tell: Your documentation should not talk about how the software
works, it should show how to use it. Show code examples for end-to-end
workflows; show code examples for each and every common use case and key
feature of your API.
Productivity boils down to high-velocity decision-making and a bias for action.
On Software Careers
- Career
progress is not how many people you manage, it is how much of an impact
you make: the differential between a world with and without your work.
- Software
development is teamwork; it is about relationships as much as it is
about technical ability. Be a good teammate. As you go on your way, stay
in touch with people.
- Technology
is never neutral. If your work has any impact on the world, then this
impact has a moral direction. The seemingly innocuous technical choices
we make in software products modulate the terms of access to technology,
its usage incentives, who will benefit, and who will suffer. Technical
choices are also ethical choices. Thus, always be deliberate and
explicit about the values you want your choices to support. Design for
ethics. Bake your values into your creations. Never think, I’m just building the capability; that in itself is neutral. It is not because the way you build it determines how it will get used.
- Self-direction — agency
over your work and your circumstances — is the key to life
satisfaction. Make sure you grant sufficient self-direction to the
people around you, and make sure your career choices result in greater
agency for yourself.
- Build
what the world needs — not just what you wish you had. Too often,
technologists live rarefied lives and focus on products catering to
their own specific needs. Seek opportunities to broaden your life
experience, which will give you better visibility into what the world
- When
making any choice with long-term repercussions, place your values above
short-term self-interest and passing emotions — such as greed or fear.
Know what your values are, and let them guide you.
- When
we find ourselves in a conflict, it’s a good idea to pause to
acknowledge our shared values and our shared goals, and remind ourselves
that we are, almost certainly, on the same side.
- Productivity boils down to high-velocity decision-making and a bias for action. This requires a) good intuition, which comes from experience, so as to make generally correct decisions given partial information, b)
a keen awareness of when to move more carefully and wait for more
information, because the cost of an incorrect decision would be greater
than cost of the delay. The optimal velocity/quality decision-making
tradeoff can vary greatly in different environments.
- Making
decisions faster means you make more decisions over the course of your
career, which will give you stronger intuition about the correctness of
available options. Experience is key to productivity, and greater
productivity will provide you with more experience: a virtuous cycle.
- In
situations where you are aware that your intuition is lacking, adhere
to abstract principles. Build up lists of tried-and-true principles
throughout your career. Principles are formalized intuition that
generalize to a broader range of situations than raw pattern recognition
(which requires direct and extensive experience of similar situations).
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