Sunday, January 31, 2016

Deep Learning is Easy - Learn Something Harder

These days I come across many people who want to get into machine learning/AI, particularly deep learning. Some are asking me what the best way is to get started and learn. Clearly, at the speed things are evolving, there seems to be no time for a PhD. Universities are sometimes a bit behind the curve on applications, technology and infrastructure, so is a masters worth doing? A couple companies now offer residency programmes, extended internships, which supposedly allow you to kickstart a successful career in machine learning without a PhD. What your best option is depends largely on your circumstances, but also on what you want to achieve.

Just too easy

The general advice I increasingly find myself giving is this: deep learning is too easy. Pick something harder to learn, learning deep learning should not be the goal but a side effect.
Deep learning is powerful exactly because it makes hard things easy.
The reason deep learning made such a splash is the very fact that it allows us to phrase several previously impossible learning problems as empirical loss minimisation via gradient descent, a conceptually super simple thing. Deep networks deal with natural signals we previously had no easy ways of dealing with: images, video, human language, speech, sound. But almost whatever you do in deep learning, at the end of the day it becomes super simple: you combine a couple basic building blocks and ideas (convolution, pooling, recurrence), you can do it without overthinking it, if you have enough data the network will figure it out. Increasingly high-level, declarative frameworks like TensorFlow, Theano, Lasagne, Blocks, Keras, etc simplify this to the level of building Lego towers.

Pick something harder

This is not to say there are no genuinely novel ideas coming out of deep learning, or using deep learning in more innovative ways, far from it. Generative Adversarial Networks and Variational Autoencoders are brilliant examples that sparked new interest in probabilistic/generative modelling. Understanding why/how those work, and how to generalise/build on them is real hard - the deep learning bit is easy.
There is not much low-hanging fruit left for deep learning. Supervised learning - while still being improved - is now considered largely solved and boring. Unsupervised learning will certainly benefit from the deep learning toolkit, but it also requires a very different kind of thinking, familiarity with information theory/probabilities/geometry. Insight into how to make these methods actually work are unlikely to come in the form of improvements to neural network architectures.
What I'm saying is that by learning deep learning, most people mean learning to use a relatively simple toolbox. But in six months time, many, many more people will have those skills. Don't spend time working on/learning about stuff that retrospectively turns out to be too easy. You might miss your chance to make a real impact with your work and differentiate your career in the long term. Think about what you really want to be able to learn, pick something harder, and then go work with people who can help you with that.

Back to basics

What are examples of harder things to learn? Consider what knowledge authors like Ian Goodfellow, Durk Kingma, etc have used when they came up with the algorithms mentioned before. Much of the relevant stuff that is now being rediscovered was actively researched in the early 2000's. Learn classic things like the EM algorithm, variational inference, unsupervised learning with linear Gaussian systems: PCA, factor analysis, Kalman filtering, slow feature analysis. I can also recommend Aapo Hyvarinen's work on ICA, pseudolikelihood. You should try to read (and understand) the original deep belief network paper.

Shortcut to the next frontiers

While deep learning is where most interesting breakthroughs happened recently, it's worth trying to bet on areas that might gain relevance going forward:
  • probabilistic programming and black-box probabilistic inference (with- or without deep neural networks). Take a look at Picture for example, or Josh Tenenbaum's work on inverse graphics networks. Or stuff at this NIPS workshop on black-box inference. To quote my colleague Lucas Theis:
    probabilistic programming could do for Bayesian ML what Theano has done for neural networks
  • better/scaleable MCMC and variational inference methods, again, with or without the use of deep neural networks. There is a lot of recent work on things like this. Again, if we made MCMC as reliable as stochastic gradient descent now is for deep networks, that could mean a resurgence of more explicit Bayesian/probabilistic models and hierarchical graphical models, of which RBMs are just one example.

Have I seen this before?

Roughly the same thing happened around the data scientist buzzword some years ago. Initially, using Hadoop, Hive, etc were a big deal, and several early adopters made a very successful career out of - well - being early adopters. Early on, all you really needed to do was counting stuff on smallish distributed clusters, and you quickly accumulated tens of thousands of followers who worshipped you for being a big data pioneer.
What people did back then seemed magic at the time, but looking back from just a couple years it's trivial: lots of people use Hadoop and spark now, and tools like Amazon's Redshift made stuff even simpler. Back in the days, your startup could get funded on the premise that your team could use Hive, but unless you used it in some interesting way, that technological advantage evaporated very quickly. At the top of the hype cycle, there were data science internships, residential training programs, bootcamps, etc. By the time people graduated from these programs, these skills were rendered somewhat irrelevant and trivial. What is happening now with deep learning looks very similar.
In summary, if you are about to get into deep learning, just think about what that means, and try to be more specific. Think about how many other people are in your position right now, and how are you going to make sure the things you learn aren't the ones that will appear super-boring in a year's time.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Microsoft releases CNTK, its open source deep learning toolkit, on GitHub

Microsoft releases CNTK, its open source deep learning toolkit, on GitHub

Microsoft is making the tools that its own researchers use to speed up advances in artificial intelligence available to a broader group of developers by releasing its Computational Network Toolkit on GitHub.
The researchers developed the open-source toolkit, dubbed CNTK, out of necessity. Xuedong Huang, Microsoft’s chief speech scientist, said he and his team were anxious to make faster improvements to how well computers can understand speech, and the tools they had to work with were slowing them down.
So, a group of volunteers set out to solve this problem on their own, using a homegrown solution that stressed performance over all else.
The effort paid off.
In internal tests, Huang said CNTK has proved more efficient  than four other popular computational toolkits that developers use to create deep learning models for things like speech and image recognition, because it has better communication capabilities
“The CNTK toolkit is just insanely more efficient than anything we have ever seen,” Huang said.
Those types of performance gains are incredibly important in the fast-moving field of deep learning, because some of the biggest deep learning tasks can take weeks to finish.
A comparison of toolkit speed ratesOver the past few years, the field of deep learning has exploded as more researchers have started running machine learning algorithms using deep neural networks, which are systems that are inspired by the biological processes of the human brain. Many researchers see deep learning as a very promising approach for making artificial intelligence better.
Those gains have allowed researchers to create systems that can accurately recognize and even translate conversations, as well as ones that can recognize images and even answer questions about them.
Internally, Microsoft is using CNTK on a set of powerful computers that use graphics processing units, or GPUs.
Although GPUs were designed for computer graphics, researchers have found that they also are ideal for processing the kind of algorithms that are leading to these major advances in technology that can speak, hear and understand speech, and recognize images and movements.
Chris Basoglu, a principal development manager at Microsoft who also worked on the toolkit, said one of the advantages of CNTK is that it can be used by anyone from a researcher on a limited budget, with a single computer, to someone who has the ability to create their own large cluster of GPU-based computers. The researchers say it can scale across more GPU-based machines than other publicly available toolkits, providing a key advantage for users who want to do large-scale experiments or calculations.
Xuedong Hong pictured in office
Xuedong Huang (Photography by Scott Eklund/Red Box Pictures)
Huang said it was important for his team to be able to address Microsoft’s internal needs with a tool like CNTK, but they also want to provide the same resources to other researchers who are making similar advances in deep learning.
That’s why they decided to make the tools available via open source licenses to other researchers and developers.
Last April, the researchers made the toolkit available to academic researchers, via Codeplex and under a more restricted open-source license.
But starting Monday it also will be available, via an open-source license, to anyone else who wants to use it. The researchers say it could be useful to anyone from deep learning startups to more established companies that are processing a lot of data in real time.
“With CNTK, they can actually join us to drive artificial intelligence breakthroughs,” Huang said.

Deep Learning with Spark and TensorFlow

Deep Learning with Spark and TensorFlow

Neural networks have seen spectacular progress during the last few years and they are now the state of the art in image recognition and automated translation.  TensorFlow is a new framework released by Google for numerical computations and neural networks. In this blog post, we are going to demonstrate how to use TensorFlow and Spark together to train and apply deep learning models.
You might be wondering: what’s Spark’s use here when most high-performance deep learning implementations are single-node only? To answer this question, we walk through two use cases and explain how you can use Spark and a cluster of machines to improve deep learning pipelines with TensorFlow:
  1. Hyperparameter Tuning: use Spark to find the best set of hyperparameters for neural network training, leading to 10X reduction in training time and 34% lower error rate.
  2. Deploying models at scale: use Spark to apply a trained neural network model on a large amount of data.

Hyperparameter Tuning

An example of a deep learning machine learning (ML) technique is artificial neural networks. They take a complex input, such as an image or an audio recording, and then apply complex mathematical transforms on these signals. The output of this transform is a vector of numbers that is easier to manipulate by other ML algorithms. Artificial neural networks perform this transformation by mimicking the neurons in the visual cortex of the human brain (in a much-simplified form).
Just as humans learn to interpret what they see, artificial neural networks need to be trained to recognize specific patterns that are ‘interesting’. For example, these can be simple patterns such as edges, circles, but they can be much more complicated. Here, we are going to use a classical dataset put together by NIST and train a neural network to recognize these digits:
The TensorFlow library automates the creation of training algorithms for neural networks of various shapes and sizes. The actual process of building a neural network, however, is more complicated than just running some function on a dataset. There are typically a number of very important hyperparameters (configuration parameters in layman’s terms) to set, which affects how the model is trained. Picking the right parameters leads to high performance, while bad parameters can lead to prolonged training and bad performance. In practice, machine learning practitioners rerun the same model multiple times with different hyperparameters in order to find the best set. This is a classical technique called hyperparameter tuning.
When building a neural network, there are many important hyperparameters to choose carefully. For example:
  • Number of neurons in each layer: Too few neurons will reduce the expression power of the network, but too many will substantially increase the running time and return noisy estimates.
  • Learning rate: If it is too high, the neural network will only focus on the last few samples seen and disregard all the experience accumulated before. If it is too low, it will take too long to reach a good state.
The interesting thing here is that even though TensorFlow itself is not distributed, the hyperparameter tuning process is “embarrassingly parallel” and can be distributed using Spark. In this case, we can use Spark to broadcast the common elements such as data and model description, and then schedule the individual repetitive computations across a cluster of machines in a fault-tolerant manner.
How does using Spark improve the accuracy? The accuracy with the default set of hyperparameters is 99.2%. Our best result with hyperparameter tuning has a 99.47% accuracy on the test set, which is a 34% reduction of the test error. Distributing the computations scaled linearly with the number of nodes added to the cluster: using a 13-node cluster, we were able to train 13 models in parallel, which translates into a 7x speedup compared to training the models one at a time on one machine. Here is a graph of the computation times (in seconds) with respect to the number of machines on the cluster:

More important though, we get insights into the sensibility of the training procedure to various hyperparameters of training. For example, we plot the final test performance with respect to the learning rate, for different numbers of neurons:
This shows a typical tradeoff curve for neural networks:
  • The learning rate is critical: if it is too low, the neural network does not learn anything (high test error). If it is too high, the training process may oscillate randomly and even diverge in some configurations.
  • The number of neurons is not as important for getting a good performance, and networks with many neurons are much more sensitive to the learning rate. This is Occam’s Razor principle: simpler model tend to be “good enough” for most purposes. If you have the time and resource to go after the missing 1% test error, you must be willing to invest a lot of resources in training, and to find the proper hyperparameters that will make the difference.
By using a sparse sample of parameters, we can zero in on the most promising sets of parameters.

How do I use it?

Since TensorFlow can use all the cores on each worker, we only run one task at one time on each worker and we batch them together to limit contention. The TensorFlow library can be installed on Spark clusters as a regular Python library, following the instructions on the TensorFlow website. The following notebooks below show how to install TensorFlow and let users rerun the experiments of this blog post:

Deploying Models at Scale

TensorFlow models can directly be embedded within pipelines to perform complex recognition tasks on datasets. As an example, we show how we can label a set of images from a stock neural network model that was already trained.
The model is first distributed to the workers of the clusters, using Spark’s built-in broadcasting mechanism:
with gfile.FastGFile( 'classify_image_graph_def.pb', 'rb') as f:
  model_data =
model_data_bc = sc.broadcast(model_data)
Then this model is loaded on each node and applied to images. This is a sketch of the code being run on each node:
def apply_batch(image_url):
  # Creates a new TensorFlow graph of computation and imports the model
  with tf.Graph().as_default() as g:
    graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
    tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='')
    # Loads the image data from the URL:
    image_data = urllib.request.urlopen(img_url, timeout=1.0).read()
    # Runs a tensor flow session that loads the
    with tf.Session() as sess:
      softmax_tensor = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name('softmax:0')
      predictions =, {'DecodeJpeg/contents:0': image_data})
      return predictions
This code can be made more efficient by batching the images together.
Here is an example of image:
And here is the interpretation of this image according to the neural network, which is pretty accurate:
('coral reef', 0.88503921),
   ('scuba diver', 0.025853464),
   ('brain coral', 0.0090828091),
   ('snorkel', 0.0036010914),
   ('promontory, headland, head, foreland', 0.0022605944)])

Looking forward

We have shown how to combine Spark and TensorFlow to train and deploy neural networks on handwritten digit recognition and image labeling. Even though the neural network framework we used itself only works in a single-node, we can use Spark to distribute the hyperparameter tuning process and model deployment. This not only cuts down the training time but also improves accuracy and gives us a better understanding of various hyperparameters’ sensibility.
While this support is only available on Python, we look forward to providing deeper integration between TensorFlow and the rest of the Spark framework.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Introduction to Machine Learning

The Unreasonable Reputation of Neural Networks

January 12, 2016
It is hard not to be enamoured by deep learning nowadays, watching neural networks show off their endless accumulation of new tricks. There are, as I see it, at least two good reasons to be impressed:
(1) Neural networks can learn to model many natural functions well, from weak priors.
The idea of marrying hierarchical, distributed representations with fast, GPU-optimised gradient calculations has turned out to be very powerful indeed. The early days of neural networks saw problems with local optima, but the ability to train deeper networks has solved this and allowed backpropagation to shine through. After baking in a small amount of domain knowledge through simple architectural decisions, deep learning practitioners now find themselves with a powerful class of parameterised functions and a practical way to optimise them.
The first such architectural decisions were the use of either convolutions or recurrent structure, to imbue models with spatial and temporal invariances. From this alone, neural networks excelled in image classification, speech recognition, machine translation, atari games, and many more domains. More recently, mechanisms for top-down attention over inputs have shown their worth in image and natural language tasks, while differentiable memory modules such as tapes and stacks have even enabled networks to learn the rules of simple algorithms from only input-output pairs.
(2) Neural networks can learn surprisingly useful representations
While the community still waits eagerly for unsupervised learning to bear fruit, deep supervised learning has shown an impressive aptitude for building generalisable and interpretable features. That is to say, the features learned when a neural network is trained to predict P(y|x) often turn out to be both semantically interpretable and useful for modelling some other related function P(z|x).
As just a few examples of this:
  • Units of a convolutional network trained to classify scenes often learn to detect specific objects in those scenes (such as a lighthouse), even though they were not explicitly trained to do so (Bolei et al., 2015)
  • Correlations in the bottom layers of an image classification network provide a surprisingly good signature for the artistic style of an image, allowing new images to be synthesised using the content of one and the style of another (Gatys et al., 2015)
  • A recurrent network [correction below] taught to predict missing words from sentences learns meaningful word embeddings, where simple vector arithmetic can be used to find semantic analogies. For example:
    • vking - vman + vwoman ≈ vqueen
    • vParis - vFrance + vItaly ≈ vRome
    • vWindows - vMicrosoft + vGoogle ≈ vAndroid
I have no doubt that the next few years will see neural networks turn their attention to yet more tasks, integrate themselves more deeply into industry, and continue to impress researchers with new superpowers. This is all well justified, and I have no intention to belittle the current and future impact of deep learning; however, the optimism about the just what these models can achieve in terms of intelligence has been worryingly reminiscent of the 1960s.

Extrapolating from the last few years’ progress, it is enticing to believe that Deep Artificial General Intelligence is just around the corner and just a few more architectural tricks, bigger data sets and faster computing power are required to take us there. I feel that there are a couple of solid reasons to be much more skeptical.
To begin with, it is a bad idea to intuit how broadly intelligent a machine must be, or have the capacity to be, based solely on a single task. The checkers-playing machines of the 1950s amazed researchers and many considered these a huge leap towards human-level reasoning, yet we now appreciate that achieving human or superhuman performance in this game is far easier than achieving human-level general intelligence. In fact, even the best humans can easily be defeated by a search algorithm with simple heuristics. The development of such an algorithm probably does not advance the long term goals of machine intelligence, despite the exciting intelligent-seeming behaviour it gives rise to, and the same could be said of much other work in artificial intelligence such as the expert systems of the 1980s. Human or superhuman performance in one task is not necessarily a stepping-stone towards near-human performance across most tasks.
By the same token, the ability of neural networks to learn interpretable word embeddings, say, does not remotely suggest that they are the right kind of tool for a human-level understanding of the world. It is impressive and surprising that these general-purpose, statistical models can learn meaningful relations from text alone, without any richer perception of the world, but this may speak much more about the unexpected ease of the task itself than it does about the capacity of the models. Just as checkers can be won through tree-search, so too can many semantic relations be learned from text statistics. Both produce impressive intelligent-seeming behaviour, but neither necessarily pave the way towards true machine intelligence.
I’d like to reflect on specifically what neural networks are good at, and how this relates to human intelligence. Deep learning has produced amazing discriminative models, generative models and feature extractors, but common to all of these is the use of a very large training dataset. Its place in the world is as a powerful tool for general-purpose pattern recognition, in situations where n and d are high. Very possibly it is the best tool for working in this paradigm.
This is a very good fit for one particular class of problems that the brain solves: finding good representations to describe the constant and enormous flood of sensory data it receives. Before any sense can be made of the environment, the visual and auditory systems need to fold, stretch and twist this data from raw pixels and waves into a form that better captures the complex statistical regularities in the signal*. Whether this is learned from scratch or handed down as a gift from evolution, the brain solves this problem adeptly - and there is even recent evidence that the representations it finds are not too dissimilar from those discovered by a neural network. I contend, deep learning may well provide a fantastic starting point for many problems in perception.
That said, this high n, high d paradigm is a very particular one, and is not the right environment to describe a great deal of intelligent behaviour. The many facets of human thought include planning towards novel goals, inferring others' goals from their actions, learning structured theories to describe the rules of the world, inventing experiments to test those theories, and learning to recognise new object kinds from just one example. Very often they involve principled inference under uncertainty from few observations. For all the accomplishments of neural networks, it must be said that they have only ever proven their worth at tasks fundamentally different from those above. If they have succeeded in anything superficially similar, it has been because they saw many hundreds of times more examples than any human ever needed to.
Deep learning has brought us one branch higher up the tree towards machine intelligence and a wealth of different fruit is now hanging within our grasp. While the ability to learn good features in high dimensional spaces from weak priors with lots of data is both new and exciting, we should not fall into the trap of thinking that most of the problems an intelligent agent faces can be solved in this way. Gradient descent in neural networks may well play a big part in helping to build the components of thinking machines, but it is not, itself, the stuff of thought.
This has been the first post of what I hope will become a long-running blog, where I'll structure and share my thoughts about machine intelligence. Later posts are likely to address how to define intelligence, what might be the most promising routes to building it, and where we can draw inspiration. I hope it will serve as a platform for discussion too, so please go ahead and rebuke me in the comments below. And subscribe! Subscribe to Syndicate
Correction: The model used to produce word analogies was actually a log linear skip-gram model, trained to discriminate nearby word pairs from negative samples (Mikolov et al., 2013). Many thanks to fnl for pointing this out.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

A 'Brief' History of Neural Nets and Deep Learning, Part 4

A 'Brief' History of Neural Nets and Deep Learning, Part 4

This is the fourth part in ‘A Brief History of Neural Nets and Deep Learning’. Parts 1-3 here, here, and here. In this part, we will get to the end of our story and see how Deep Learning emerged from the slump neural nets found themselves in by the late 90s, and the amazing state of the art results it has achieved since.
“Ask anyone in machine learning what kept neural network research alive and they will probably mention one or all of these three names: Geoffrey Hinton, fellow Canadian Yoshua Bengio and Yann LeCun, of Facebook and New York University.”

The Deep Learning Conspiracy

When you want a revolution, start with a conspiracy. With the ascent of Support Vector Machines and the failure of backpropagation, the early 2000s were a dark time for neural net research. LeCun and Hinton variously mention how in this period their papers or the papers of their students were routinely rejected from publication due to their subject being Neural Nets. The above quote is probably an exaggeration - certainly research in Machine Learning and AI was still very active, and other people such as Juergen Schmidhuber were also working with neural nets - but citation counts from the time make it clear that the excitement had leveled off, even if it did not completely evaporate. Still, they persevered. And they found a strong ally outside the research realm: The Canadian government. Funding from the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), which encourages basic research without direct application, first encouraged Hinton to move to Canada in 1987, and funded his work until the mid 90s. … Rather than relenting and switching his focus, Hinton fought to continue work on neural nets, and managed to secure more funding from CIFAR as told well in this exemplary piece1:
“But in 2004, Hinton asked to lead a new program on neural computation. The mainstream machine learning community could not have been less interested in neural nets.
“It was the worst possible time,” says Bengio, a professor at the Université de Montréal and co-director of the CIFAR program since it was renewed last year. “Everyone else was doing something different. Somehow, Geoff convinced them.”
“We should give (CIFAR) a lot of credit for making that gamble.”
CIFAR “had a huge impact in forming a community around deep learning,” adds LeCun, the CIFAR program’s other co-director. “We were outcast a little bit in the broader machine learning community: we couldn’t get our papers published. This gave us a place where we could exchange ideas.””
The funding was modest, but sufficient to enable a small group of researchers to keep working on the topic. And with this group, Hinton hatched a conspiracy: “rebrand” the frowned-upon filed of neural nets with the moniker “Deep Learning”. Then, what every researcher must dream of actually happened: Hinton, Simon Osindero, and Yee-Whye Teh published a paper in 2006 that was seen as a breakthrough, a breakthrough significant enough to rekindle interest in neural nets: A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets
. Though, as we’ll see, the ideas involved were all quite old, the movement that is ‘Deep Learning’ can very persuasively be said to have started precisely with this paper. But, more important than the name was the idea - that neural networks with many layers really could be trained well, if the weights are initialized in a clever way rather than randomly. Hinton once expressed the need for such an advance at the time:
“Historically, this was very important in overcoming the belief that these deep neural networks were no good and could never be trained. And that was a very strong belief. A friend of mine sent a paper to ICML [International Conference on Machine Learning], not that long ago, and the referee said it should not accepted by ICML, because it was about neural networks and it was not appropriate for ICML. In fact if you look at ICML last year, there were no papers with ‘neural’ in the title accepted, so ICML should not accept papers about neural networks. That was only a few years ago. And one of the IEEE journals actually had an official policy of [not accepting your papers]. So, it was a strong belief.”
A Restricted Boltzmann Machine. (Source)
So what was the clever way of initializing weights? Well, the basic idea is to train each layer one by one with unsupervised training, which starts off the weights much better than just giving them random values, and then finishing with a round of supervised learning just as is normal for neural nets. Each layer starts out as a Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM), which is just a Boltzmann Machine without connections between hidden and visible units as illustrated above (really the same as in a Helmholtz machines), and is taught a generative model of data in an unsupervised fashion. It turns out that this form of Boltzmann machine can be trained in an efficient manner introduced by Hinton in the 2002 “Training Products of Experts by Minimizing Contrastive Divergence”
. Basically, this algorithm maximizes something other than the probability of the units generating the training data, which allows for a nice approximation and turns out to still work well. So, using this method, the algorithm is as such:
  1. Train an RBM on the training data using contrastive-divergence. This is the first layer of the belief net.
  2. Generate the hidden values of the trained RBM for the data, and train another RBM using model those hidden values. This is the second layer - ‘stack’ it on top of the first and keep weights in just one direction to form a belief net.
  3. Keep doing step 2 for as many layers as are desired for the belief net.
  4. If classification is desired, add a small set of hidden units that correspond to the classification labels and do a variation on the wake-sleep algorithm to ‘fine-tune’ the weights. Such combinations of unsupervised and supervised learning are often called semi-supervised learning.
The layerwise pre-training that Hinton introduced. (Source)
The paper concluded by showing that deep belief networks (DBNs) had state of the art performance on the standard MNIST character recognition dataset, significantly outperforming normal neural nets with only a few layers. Yoshua Bengio et al. followed up on this work in 2007 with “Greedy Layer-Wise Training of Deep Networks”
, in which they present a strong argument that deep machine learning methods (that is, methods with many processing steps, or equivalently with hierarchical feature representations of the data) are more efficient for difficult problems than shallow methods (which two-layer ANNs or support vector machines are examples of).
Autoencoder pre-supverised traning
Another view of unsupervised pre-training, using autoencoders instead of RBMs. (Source)
They also present reasons for why the addition of unsupervised pre-training works, and conclude that this not only initializes the weights in a more optimal way, but perhaps more importantly leads to more useful learned representations of the data that enable the algorithm to end up with a more generalized model. In fact, using RBMs is not that important - unsupervised pre-training of normal neural net layers using backpropagation with plain Autoencoders layers proved to also work well. Likewise, at the same time another approach called Sparse Coding also showed that unsupervised feature learning was a powerful approach for improving supervised learning performance.
So, the key really was having many layers of representation so that good high-level representation of data could be learned - in complete disagreement with the traditional approach of hand-designing some nice feature extraction steps and only then doing machine learning with the extracted features. Hinton and Bengio’s work had empirically demonstrated that fact, but more importantly, showed the premise that deep neural nets could not be trained well to be false. This, LeCun had already demonstrated with CNNs throughout the 90s, yet the research community largely refused to accept. Bengio, in collaboration with Yann LeCun, reiterated this on “Scaling Algorithms Towards AI”
“Until recently, many believed that training deep architectures was too difficult an optimization problem. However, at least two different approaches have worked well in training such architectures: simple gradient descent applied to convolutional networks [LeCun et al., 1989, LeCun et al., 1998] (for signals and images), and more recently, layer-by-layer unsupervised learning followed by gradient descent [Hinton et al., 2006, Bengio et al., 2007, Ranzato et al., 2006]. Research on deep architectures is in its infancy, and better learning algorithms for deep architectures remain to be discovered. Taking a larger perspective on the objective of discovering learning principles that can lead to AI has been a guiding perspective of this work. We hope to have helped inspire others to seek a solution to the problem of scaling machine learning towards AI.”
And inspire they did. Or at least, they started; though deep learning had not yet gained the tsumani momentum that it has today, the wave had unmistakably begun. Still, the results at that point were not that impressive - most of the demonstrated performance in the papers up to this point was for the MNIST dataset, a classic machine learning task that had been the standard benchmark for algorithms for about a decade. Hinton’s 2006 publication demonstrated a very impressive error rate of only 1.25% on the test set, but SVMs had already gotten an error rate of 1.4%, and even simple algorithms could get error rates in the low single digits. And, as was pointed out in the paper, Yann LeCun already demonstrated error rates of 0.95% in 1998 using CNNs.
So, doing well on MNIST was not necessarily that big a deal. Aware of this and confident that it was time for Deep Learning to take the stage, Hinton and two of his graduate students, Abdel-rahman Mohamed and George Dahl, demonstrated their effectiveness at a far more challenging AI task: Speech Recognition
. Using DBNs, the two students and Hinton managed to improve on a decade-old performance record on a standard speech recognition dataset. This was an impressive achievement, but in retrospect seems like only a hint at what was coming - in short, many more broken records.

The Importance of Brute Force

The algorithmic advances described above were undoubtedly important to the emergence of deep learning, but there was another essential component that had emerged in the decade since the 1990s: pure computational speed. Following Moore’s law, computers got dozens of times faster since the slow days of the 90s, making learning with large datasets and many layers much more tractable. But even this was not enough - CPUs were starting to hit a ceiling in terms of speed growth, and computer power was starting to increase mainly through weakly parallel computations by using several CPUs. To learn the millions of weights typical in deep models, the limitations of weak CPU parallelism had to be left behind and replaced with the massively parallel computing powers of GPUs. Realizing this is, in part, how Abdel-rahman Mohamed, George Dahl, and Geoff Hinton accomplished their record breaking speech recognition performance
“Inspired by one of Hinton’s lectures on deep neural networks, Mohamed began applying them to speech - but deep neural networks required too much computing power for conventional computers – so Hinton and Mohamed enlisted Dahl. A student in Hinton’s lab, Dahl had discovered how to train and simulate neural networks efficiently using the same high-end graphics cards which make vivid computer games feasible on personal computers.
They applied the same method to the problem of recognizing fragments of phonemes in very short windows of speech,” said Hinton. “They got significantly better results than previous methods on a standard three-hour benchmark.””
It’s hard to say just how much faster using GPUs over CPUs was in this case, but the paper “Large-scale Deep Unsupervised Learning using Graphics Processors”
of the same year suggests a number: 70 times faster. Yes, 70 times - reducing weeks of work into days, even a single day. The authors, who had previously developed Sparse Coding, included the prolific Machine Learning researcher Andrew Ng, who increasingly realized that making use of a lots of training data and of fast computation had been greatly undervalued by researchers in favor of incremental changes in learning algorithms. This idea was strongly supported by 2010’s “Deep Big Simple Neural Nets Excel on Handwritten Digit Recognition”
(notably co-written by J. Schmidhuber, one of the inventors of the recurrent LTSM networks), which showed a whopping %0.35 error rate could be achieved on the MNIST dataset without anything more special than really big neural nets, a lot of variations on the input, and efficient GPU implementations of backpropagation. These ideas had existed for decades, so although it could not be said that algorithmic advancements did not matter, this result did strongly support the notion that the brute force approach of big training sets and fast palatalized computations were also crucial.
Dahl and Mohamed’s use of a GPU to improve get record breaking results was an early and relatively modest success, but it was sufficient to incite excitement and for the two to be invited to intern at Microsoft Research1. Here, the two would have the benefit from another trend in computing that had emerged by then: Big Data. That loosest of terms, which in the context of machine learning is easy to understand - lots of training data. And lots of training data is important, because without it neural nets still did not do great - they tended to overfit (perfectly work on the training data, but not generalize to new test data). This makes sense - the complexity of what large neural nets can compute is such that a lot of data is needed to avoid them learning every little unimportant aspect of the training set - but was a major challenge for researchers in the past. So now, the computing and data gathering powers of large companies proved invaluable. The two students handily proved the power of deep learning during their three month internship, and Microsoft Research has been at the forefront of deep learning speech recognition ever since.
Microsoft was not the only BigCompany to recognize the power of deep learning (though it was handily the first). Navdeep Jaitly, another student of Hinton’s, went off to a summer internship at Google in 2011. There, he worked on Google’s speech recognition, and showed their existing setup could be much improved by incorporating deep learning. The revised approach soon powered Android’s speech recognition, replacing much of Google’s carefully crafted prior solution 1.
Besides the impressive effects of humble PhD interns on these gigantic companies’ products, what is notable here is that both companies were making use of the same ideas - ideas that were out in the open for anyone to work with. And in fact, the work by Microsoft and Google, as well as IBM and Hinton’s lab, resulted in the impressively titled “Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Modeling in Speech Recognition: The Shared Views of Four Research Groups”
in 2012. Four research groups - three from companies that could certainly benefit from a briefcase full of patents on the emerging wonder technology of deep learning, and the university research group that popularized that technology - working together and publishing their results to the broader research community. If there was ever an ideal scenario for industry adopting an idea from research, this seems like it.
Not to say the companies were doing this for charity. This was the beginning of all of them exploring how to commercialize the technology, and most of all Google. But it was perhaps not Hinton, but Andrew Ng who incited the company to become likely the world’s biggest commercial adopter and proponent of the technology. In 2011, Ng incidentally met with the legendary Googler Jeff Dean while visiting the company, and chatted about his efforts to train neural nets with Google’s fantastic computational resources. This intrigued Dean, and together with Ng they formed Google Brain - an effort to build truly giant neural nets and explore what they could do. The work resulted in unsupervised neural net learning of an unprecedented scale - 16,000 CPU cores powering the learning of a whopping 1 billion weights (for comparison, Hinton’s breakthrough 2006 DBN had about 1 million weights). The neural net was trained on Youtube videos, entirely without labels, and learned to recognize the most common objects in those videos - leading of course to the internet’s collective glee over the net’s discovery of cats:
Google's famous neural-net learned cat. This is the optimal input to one of the neurons. (Source)
Cute as that was, it was also useful. As they reported in a regularly published paper, the features learned by the model could be used for record setting performance on a standard computer vision benchmark
. With that, Google’s internal tools for training massive neural nets were born, and they have only continued to evolve since. The wave of Deep Learning research that began in 2006 had now undeniably made it into industry.

The Ascendance of Deep Learning

While deep learning was making it into industry, the research community was hardly keeping still. The discovery that efficient use of GPUs and computing power in general was so important made people examine long-held assumptions and ask questions that should have perhaps been asked long ago - namely, why exactly does backpropagation not work well? The insight to ask why the old approaches did not work, rather than why the new approaches did, led Xavier Glort and Yoshua Bengio to write “Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks” in 2010
. In it, they discussed two incredibly meaningful findings:
  1. The particular non-linear activation function chosen for neurons in a neural net makes a big impact on performance, and the one often used by default is not a good choice.
  2. It was not so much choosing random weights that was problematic, as choosing random weights without consideration for which layer the weights are for. The old vanishing gradient problem happens, basically, because backpropagation involves a sequence of multiplications that invariably result in smaller derivatives for earlier layers. That is, unless weights are chosen with difference scales according to the layer they are in - making this simple change results in significant
Different activation functions. The ReLU is the **rectified linear unit**. (Source)
The second point is quite clear as to the conclusion, but the first opens the question: ‘what, then, is the best activation function’? Three different groups explored the question (a group with LeCun, with “What is the best multi-stage architecture for object recognition?”
, a group with Hinton, in “Rectified linear units improve restricted boltzmann machines”
, and a group with Bengio -“Deep Sparse Rectifier Neural Networks”
), and they all found the same surprising answer: the very much non-differentiable and very simple function f(x)=max(0,x) tends to be the best. Surprising, because the function is kind of weird - it is not strictly differentiable, or rather is not differentiable precisely at zero, so on paper as far as math goes it looks pretty ugly. But, clearly the zero case is a pretty small mathemtical quibble - a bigger question is why such a simple functions, with constant derivatives on either side of 0, is so good. The answer is not precisely known, but a few ideas seem pretty well established:
  1. Rectified activation leads to sparse representations, meaning not that many neurons actually end up needing to output non-zero values for any given input. In the years leading up to this point sparsity was shown to be beneficial for deep learning, both because it represents information in a more robust manner and because it leads to significant computational efficiency (if most of your neurons are outputting zero, you can in effect ignore most of them and compute things much faster). Incidentally, researchers in computational neuroscience first introduced the importance of sparse computation in the context of the brain’s visual system, a decade before it was explored in the context of machine learning.
  2. The simplicity of the function, and its derivatives, makes it much faster to work with than the exponential sigmoid or the trigonometric tanh. As with the use of GPUs, this turns out to not just be a small boost but really important for being able to scale neural nets to the point where they perform well on challenging problems.
  3. A later analysis titled “Rectifier Nonlinearities Improve Neural Network Acoustic Models”
  1. , co-written by Andrew Ng, also showed the constant 0 or 1 derivative of the ReLU not to detrimental to learning. In fact, it helps avoid the vanishing gradient problem that was the bane of backpropagation. Furthermore, beside producing more sparse representations, and it also produces more distributed representations - meaning is derived from the combination of multiple values of different neurons, rather than being localized to individual neurons.
At this point, with all these discoveries since 2006, it had become clear that unsupervised pre-traning is not essential to deep learning. It was helpful, no doubt, but it was also shown that in some cases well done purely supervised training (with the correct starting weight scales and activation function) could outperform training that included the unsupervised step. So, why indeed, did purely supervised learning with backpropagation not work well in the past? Geoffrey Hinton summarized the finding up to today in these four points:
  1. Our labeled datasets were thousands of times too small.
  2. Our computers were millions of times too slow.
  3. We initialized the weights in a stupid way.
  4. We used the wrong type of non-linearity.
So here we are. Deep learning. The culmination of decades of research, all leading to this:
Deep Learning =
Lots of training data + Parallel Computation + Scalable, smart algorithms

I wish I was first to come up with this delightful equation, but it seems others came up with it before me. (Source)
Not to say that all that there was to figure out was figured out by this point. Far from it. What had been figured out is exactly the opposite: that people’s intuition was often wrong, and in particular unquestioned decisions and assumptions were often very unfounded. Asking simple questions, trying simple things - these had the power to greatly improve state of the art techniques. And precisely that has been happening, with many more ideas and approaches being explored and shared in deep learning since. An example: “Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors”
by G. E. Hinton et al. The idea is very simple: to prevent overfitting, randomly pretend some neurons are not there while training. Although incredibly simple, this idea - called Dropout - is a very efficient means of implementing the hugely powerful approach of ensemble learning, which just means learning in many different ways from the training data. Random Forests, a dominating technique in machine learning to this day, is chiefly effective due to this ensemble learning. Training many different neural nets is possible but is far too computationally expensive, yet this very simple idea in essence achieves the same thing and indeed significantly improves performance.
Still, having all these research discoveries since 2006 is not what made the computer vision or other research communities again respect neural nets. What did do it was something somewhat less noble: completely destroying non-deep learning methods on a modern competitive benchmark. Geoffrey Hinton enlisted two of his Dropout co-writers, Alex Krizhevsky and Ilya Sutskever, to apply the ideas discovered to create an entry to the ILSVRC-2012 computer vision competition. To me, it is very striking to now understand that their work, described in “ImageNet Classification with deep convolutional neural networks”
, is the combination of very old concepts (a CNN with pooling and convolution layers, variations on the input data) with several new key insight (very efficient GPU implementation, ReLU neurons, dropout), and that this, precisely this, is what modern deep learning is. So, how did they do? Far, far better than the next closest entry: their error rate was %15.3, whereas the second closest was %26.2. This, the first and only CNN entry in that competition, was an undisputed sign that CNNs, and deep learning in general, had to be taken seriously for computer vision. Now, almost all entries to the competition are CNNs - a neural net model Yann LeCun was working with since 1989. And, remember LTSM recurrent neural nets, devised in the 90s by by Sepp Hochreiter and Jürgen Schmidhuber to solve the backpropagation problem? Those, too, are now state of the art for sequential tasks such as speech processing.
This was the turning point. A mounting wave of excitement about possible progress has culminated in undeniable achievements, that far surpassed what other known techniques could manage. The tsunami metaphor that we started with in part 1, this is where it began, and it has been growing and intensifying to this day. Deep learning is here, and no winter is in sight.
From Google Scholar
The citation counts for some of the key people we have seen develop deep learning. I believe I don't need to point out the exponential trends since 2012. From Google Scholar.

Epilogue: state of the art

If this were a movie, the 2012 ImageNet competition would likely have been the climax, and now we would have a progression of text describing ‘where are they now’. Yann Lecun - Facebook. Geoffrey Hinton - Google. Andrew Ng - Coursera, Google, Baidu. Bengio, Schmidhuber, and Hochreiter actually still in academia - but presumably with many more citations and/or grad students
. Though the ideas and achievements of deep learning are definitely exciting, while writing this I was inevitably also moved that these people, who worked in this field for decades and even as most abandoned it, are now rich, successful, and most of all better situated to do research than ever. All these peoples’ ideas are still very much out in the open, and in fact basically all these companies are open sourcing their deep learning frameworks, like some sort of utopian vision of industry-led research. What a story.
I was foolish enough to hope I could fit a summary of the most impressive results of the past several years in this part, but at this point it is clear I will not have the space to do so. Perhaps one day there will be a part five of this that can finish out the tale by describing these things, but for now let me provide a brief list:
  1. The resurgence of LTSM RNNs + representing ‘ideas’ with distributed representations
From Google, taken at
A result from last year. Just look at that! (Source)
Skype real time translation
  1. Using deep learning for reinforcement learning (again, but better)
Chess playing!
  1. Adding external memory writable and readable to by the neural net
  1. Kate Allen. How a Toronto professor’s research revolutionized artificial intelligence Science and Technology reporter, Apr 17 2015 2 3 4
  2. Hinton, G. E., Osindero, S., & Teh, Y. W. (2006). A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets. Neural computation, 18(7), 1527-1554.
  3. Hinton, G. E. (2002). Training products of experts by minimizing contrastive divergence. Neural computation, 14(8), 1771-1800.
  4. Bengio, Y., Lamblin, P., Popovici, D., & Larochelle, H. (2007). Greedy layer-wise training of deep networks. Advances in neural information processing systems, 19, 153.
  5. Bengio, Y., & LeCun, Y. (2007). Scaling learning algorithms towards AI. Large-scale kernel machines, 34(5).
  6. Mohamed, A. R., Sainath, T. N., Dahl, G., Ramabhadran, B., Hinton, G. E., & Picheny, M. (2011, May). Deep belief networks using discriminative features for phone recognition. In Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2011 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 5060-5063). IEEE.
  7. November 26, 2012. Leading breakthroughs in speech recognition software at Microsoft, Google, IBM Source:
  8. Raina, R., Madhavan, A., & Ng, A. Y. (2009, June). Large-scale deep unsupervised learning using graphics processors. In Proceedings of the 26th annual international conference on machine learning (pp. 873-880). ACM.
  9. Claudiu Ciresan, D., Meier, U., Gambardella, L. M., & Schmidhuber, J. (2010). Deep big simple neural nets excel on handwritten digit recognition. arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.0358.
  10. Hinton, G., Deng, L., Yu, D., Dahl, G. E., Mohamed, A. R., Jaitly, N., … & Kingsbury, B. (2012). Deep neural networks for acoustic modeling in speech recognition: The shared views of four research groups. Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE, 29(6), 82-97.
  11. Le, Q. V. (2013, May). Building high-level features using large scale unsupervised learning. In Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2013 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 8595-8598). IEEE.
  12. Glorot, X., & Bengio, Y. (2010). Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks. In International conference on artificial intelligence and statistics (pp. 249-256).
  13. Jarrett, K., Kavukcuoglu, K., Ranzato, M. A., & LeCun, Y. (2009, September). What is the best multi-stage architecture for object recognition?. In Computer Vision, 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on (pp. 2146-2153). IEEE.
  14. Nair, V., & Hinton, G. E. (2010). Rectified linear units improve restricted boltzmann machines. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-10) (pp. 807-814).
  15. Glorot, X., Bordes, A., & Bengio, Y. (2011). Deep sparse rectifier neural networks. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (pp. 315-323).
  16. Maas, A. L., Hannun, A. Y., & Ng, A. Y. (2013, June). Rectifier nonlinearities improve neural network acoustic models. In Proc. ICML (Vol. 30).
  17. Hinton, G. E., Srivastava, N., Krizhevsky, A., Sutskever, I., & Salakhutdinov, R. R. (2012). Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors. arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.0580.
  18. Krizhevsky, A., Sutskever, I., & Hinton, G. E. (2012). Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks. In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 1097-1105).

A 'Brief' History of Neural Nets and Deep Learning, Part 3

This is the third part of ‘A Brief History of Neural Nets and Deep Learning’. Parts 1 and 2 are here and here, and part 4 is here. In this part, we will continue to see the swift pace of research in the 90s, and see why neural nets ultimately lost favor much as they did in the late 60s.

Neural Nets Make Decisions

Having discovered the application of neural nets to unsupervised learning, let us also quickly see how they were used in the third branch of machine learning: reinforcement learning. This one requires the most mathy notation to explain formally, but also has a goal that is very easy to describe informally: learn to make good decisions. Given some theoretical agent (a little software program, for instance), the idea is to make that agent able to decide on an action based on its current state, with the reception of some reward for each action and the intent of getting the maximum utility in the long term. So, whereas supervised learning tells the learning algorithm exactly what it should learn to output, reinforcement learning provides ‘rewards’ as a by-product of making good decisions over time, and does not directly tell the algorithm the correct decisions to choose. From the outset it was a very abstracted decision making model - there was a finite number of states, and a known set of actions with known rewards for each state. This made it easy to write very elegant equations for finding the optimal set of actions, but hard to apply to real problems - problems with continuous states or hard to define reward.
Reinforcement learning. (Source)
This is where neural nets come in. Machine learning in general, and neural nets in particular, are good at dealing with messy continuous data or dealing with hard to define functions by learning them from examples. Although classification is the bread and butter of neural nets, they are general enough to be useful for many types of problems - the descendants of Bernard Widrow’s and Ted Hoff’s Adaline were used for adaptive filters in the context of electrical circuits, for instance. And so, following the resurgence of research caused by backpropagation people soon devised ways of leveraging the power of neural nets to perform reinforcement learning. One of the early examples of this was solving a simple yet classic problem: the balancing of a stick on a moving platform, known to students in control classes everywhere as the inverted pendulum problem
The double pendulum control problem - a step up from the single pendulum version, which is a classic control and reinforcement learning task. (Source)
As with adaptive filtering, this research was strongly relevant to the field of Electrical Engineering, where the control theory had been a major subfield for many decades prior to neural nets’ arrival. Though the field had devised ways to deal with many problems through direct analysis, having a means to deal with more complex situations through learning proved useful - as evidenced by the hefty 7000 (!) citations of the 1990 “Identification and control of dynamical systems using neural networks”
. Perhaps predictably, there was another field separate from Machine Learning where neural nets were useful - robotics. And, perhaps predictably, a major research initiative in the field was having robots learn to solve various problems rather than being manually programmed to do so, as exemplified by the 1993 PhD thesis “Reinforcement learning for robots using neural networks”
. The thesis showed that robots could be taught behaviors such as wall following and door passing in reasonable amounts of time, which was a good thing considering the prior inverted pendulum work requires impractical lengths of training.
These disparate applications in other fields are certainly cool, but of course the most research on reinforcement learning and neural nets was happening within AI and Machine Learning. And here, one of the most significant results in the history of reinforcement learning was achieved: a neural net that learned to be a world class backgammon player. Dubbed TD-Gammon, , the neural net was trained using a standard reinforcement learning algorithm and was one of the first demonstrations of reinforcement learning being able to outperform humans on relatively complicated tasks
. And it was specifically a reinforcement learning approach that worked here, as the same research showed
The neural net that learned to play expert-level Backgammon. (Source)
But, as we have seen happen before and will see happen again in AI, research hit a dead end. The predictable next problem to tackle using the TD-Gammon approach was investigated by Sebastian Thrun in the 1995 “Learning To Play the Game of Chess”, and the results were not good
. Though the neural net learned decent play, certainly better than a complete novice at the game, it was still far worse than a standard computer program (GNU-Chess) implemented long before. The same was true for the other perennial challenge of AI, Go
. See, TD-Gammon sort of cheated - it learned to evaluate positions quite well, and so could get away with not doing any ‘search’ over multiple future moves and instead just picking what the one that led to the best next position. But the same is simply not possible in chess or Go, games which are a challenge to AI precisely because of needing to look many moves ahead and having so many possible move combinations. Besides, even if the algorithm was smarter, the hardware of the time just was not up to the task - Thrun reported that “NeuroChess does a poor job, because it spends most of its time computing board evaluations. Computing a large neural network function takes two orders of magnitude longer than evaluating an optimized linear evaluation function (like that of GNU-Chess).” The weakness of computers of the time relative to the needs of the neural nets was a very real issue, and as we shall see not the only one…

Neural Nets Get Loopy

As neat as unsupervised and reinforcement learning are, I think supervised learning is still my favorite use case for neural nets. Sure, learning probabilistic models of data is cool, but it’s simply much easier to get excited for the sorts of concrete problems solved by backpropagation. We already saw how Yann Lecun achieved quite good recognition of handwritten text (a technology which went on to be nationally deployed for check-reading, and much more a while later…), but there was another obvious and greatly important task being worked on at the same time: understanding human speech.
As with writing, understanding human speech is quite difficult due to the practically infinite variation in how the same word can be spoken. But, here there is an extra challenge: long sequences of input. See, for images it’s fairly simple to crop out a single letter from an image and have a neural net tell you what letter that is, input->output style. But with audio it’s not so simple - separating out speech into characters is completely impractical, and even finding individual words within speech is less simple. Plus, if you think about human speech, generally hearing words in context makes them easier to understand than being separated. While this structure works quite well for processing things such as images one at a time, input->output style, it is not at all well suited to long streams of information such as audio or text. The neural net has no ‘memory’ with which an input can affect another input processed afterward, but this is precisely how we humans process audio or text - a string of word or sound inputs, rather than a single large input. Point being: to tackle the problem of understanding speech, researchers sought to modify neural nets to process input as a stream of input as in speech rather than one batch as with an image.
One approach to this, by Alexander Waibel et. al (including Hinton), was introduced in the 1989 “Phoneme recognition using time-delay neural networks
. These time-delay neural networks (TDNN) were very similar to normal neural networks, except each neuron processed only a subset of the input and had several sets of weights for different delays of the input data. In other words, for a sequence of audio input, a ‘moving window’ of the audio is input into the network and as the window moves the same bits of audio are processed by each neuron with different sets of weights based on where in the window the bit of audio is. This is best understood with a quick illustration:
Time delay neural networks. (Source)
In a sense, this is quite similar to what CNNs do - instead of looking at the whole input at once, each unit looks at just a subset of the input at a time and does the same computation for each small subset. The main difference here is that there is no idea of time in a CNN, and the ‘window’ of input for each neuron is always moved across the whole input image to compute a result, whereas in a TDNN there actually is sequential input and output of data. Fun fact: according to Hinton, the idea of TDNNs is what inspired LeCun to develop convolutional neural nets. But, funnily enough CNNs became essential for image processing, whereas in speech recognition TDNNs have been surpassed to another approach - recurrent neural nets (RNNs). See, all the networks that have been discussed so far have been feedforward networks, meaning that the output of neurons in a given layer acts as input to only neuron in a next layer. But, it does not have to be so - there is nothing prohibiting us brave computer scientists from connecting output of the last layer act as an input to the first layer, or just connecting the output of a neuron to itself. By having the output of the network ‘loop’ back into the network, the problem of giving the network memory as to past inputs is solved so elegantly!
Again, those seeking greater insight into the distinctions between different neural nets would do well to just go back to the actual papers. Here is a nice summation of why RNNs are cooler than TDNNs for sequential data: "A recurrent network has cycles in its graph that allow it to store information about past inputs for an amount of time that is not fixed a priori but rather depends on its weights and on the input data. The type of recurrent networks considered here can be used either for sequence recognition production or prediction units are not clamped and we are not interested in convergence to a fixed point. Instead the recurrent network is used to transform an input sequence eg speech spectra into an output sequence eg degrees of evidence for phonemes. The main advantage of such recurrent networks is that the relevant past context can be represented in the activity of the hidden units and then used to produce to compute the output at each time step. In theory the network can learn how to extract the relevant context information from the input sequence In contrast in network with time delays such as TDNNs the designer of the network must decide a priori by the choice of delay connections which part of the past input sequence should be used to predict the next output. According to the terminology introduced in the memory is static in the case of TDNNs but it is adaptive in the case of recurrent networks."
Diagram of a Recurrent Neural Net. Recall Boltzmann Machines from before? Surprise! Those were recurrent neural nets. (Source)
Well, it’s not quite so simple. Notice the problem - if backpropagation relies on ‘propagating’ the error from the output layer backward, how do things work if the first layer connects back to the output layer? The error would go ahead and propagate from the first layer back to the output layer, and could just keep looping through the network, infinitely. The solution, independently derived by multiple groups, is backpropagation through time. Basically, the idea is to ‘unroll’ the recurrent neural network by treating each loop through the neural network as an input to another neural network, and looping only a limited number of times.
The wonders of public domain images from Wikipedia!
The wonderfully intuitive backpropagation through time concept. (Source)
This fairly simple idea actually worked - it was possible to train recurrent neural nets. And indeed, multiple people explored the application of RNNs to speech recognition. But, here is a twist you should now be able to predict: this approach did not work very well. To find out why, let’s meet another modern giant of Deep Learning: Yoshua Bengio. Starting work on speech recognition with neural nets around 1986, he co-wrote many papers on using ANNs and RNNs for speech recognition, and ended up working at the AT&T Bell Labs on the problem just as Yann LeCun was working with CNNs there. In fact, in 1995 they co-wrote the summary paper “Convolutional Networks for Images, Speech, and Time-Series”
, the first of many collaborations among them. But, before then Bengio wrote the 1993 “A Connectionist Approach to Speech Recognition”
. Here, he summarized the general failure of effectively teaching RNNs:
“Although recurrent networks can in many instances outperform static networks, they appear more difficult to train optimally. Our experiments tended to indicate that their parameters settle in a suboptimal solution which takes into account short term dependencies but not long term dependencies. For example in experiments described in we found that simple duration constraints on phonemes had not at all been captured by the recurrent network. … Although this is a negative result, a better understanding of this problem could help in designing alternative systems for learning to map input sequences to output sequences with long term dependencies eg for learning finite state machines, grammars, and other language related tasks. Since gradient based methods appear inadequate for this kind of problem we want to consider alternative optimization methods that give acceptable results even when the criterion function is not smooth.”

A New Winter Dawns

So, there was a problem. A big problem. And the problem, basically, was what so recently was a huge advance: backpropagation. See, convolutional neural nets were important in part because backpropagation just did not work well normal neural nets with many layers. And that’s the real key to deep-learning - having many layers, in today’s systems as many as 20 or more. But already by the late 1980’s, it was known that deep neural nets trained with backpropagation just did not work very well, and particularly did not work as well as nets with fewer layers. The reason, in basic terms, is that backpropagation relies on finding the error at the output layer and successively splitting up blame for it for prior layers. Well, with many layers this calculus-based splitting of blame ends up with either huge or tiny numbers and the resulting neural net just does not work very well - the ‘vanishing or exploding gradient problem’. Jurgen Schmidhuber, another Deep Learning luminary, summarizes the more formal explanation well
“A diploma thesis (Hochreiter, 1991) represented a milestone of explicit DL research. As mentioned in Sec. 5.6, by the late 1980s, experiments had indicated that traditional deep feedforward or recurrent networks are hard to train by backpropagation (BP) (Sec. 5.5). Hochreiter’s work formally identified a major reason: Typical deep NNs suffer from the now famous problem of vanishing or exploding gradients. With standard activation functions (Sec. 1), cumulative backpropagated error signals (Sec. 5.5.1) either shrink rapidly, or grow out of bounds. In fact, they decay exponentially in the number of layers or CAP depth (Sec. 3), or they explode. “
Backpropagation through time is essentially equivalent to a neural net with a whole lot of layers, so RNNs were particularly difficult to train with Backpropagation. Both Sepp Hochreiter, advised by Schmidhuber, and Yoshua Bengio published papers on the inability of learning long-term information due to limitations of backpropagation
. The analysis of the problem did reveal a solution - Schmidhuber and Hochreiter introduced a very important concept in 1997 that essentially solved the problem of how to train recurrent neural nets, much as CNNs did for feedforward neural nets - Long Short Term Memory (LTSM)
. In simple terms, as with CNNs the LTSM breakthrough ended up being a small alteration to the normal neural net model 10:
“The basic LSTM idea is very simple. Some of the units are called Constant Error Carousels (CECs). Each CEC uses as an activation function f, the identity function, and has a connection to itself with fixed weight of 1.0. Due to f’s constant derivative of 1.0, errors backpropagated through a CEC cannot vanish or explode (Sec. 5.9) but stay as they are (unless they “flow out” of the CEC to other, typically adaptive parts of the NN). CECs are connected to several nonlinear adaptive units (some with multiplicative activation functions) needed for learning nonlinear behavior. Weight changes of these units often profit from error signals propagated far back in time through CECs. CECs are the main reason why LSTM nets can learn to discover the importance of (and memorize) events that happened thousands of discrete time steps ago, while previous RNNs already failed in case of minimal time lags of 10 steps.”
But, this did little to fix the larger perception problem that neural nets were janky and did not work very well. They were seen as a hassle to work with - the computers were not fast enough, the algorithms were not smart enough, and people were not happy. So, around the mid 90s, a new AI Winter for neural nets began to emerge - the community once again lost faith in them. A new method called Support Vector Machines, which in the very simplest terms could be described as a mathematically optimal way of training an equivalent to a two layer neural net, was developed and started to be seen as superior to the difficult to work with neural nets. In fact, the 1995 “Comparison of Learning Algorithms For Handwritten Digit Recognition”
by LeCun et al. found that this new approach worked better or the same as all but the best designed neural nets:
“The [support vector machine] classifier has excellent accuracy, which is most remarkable, because unlike the other high performance classifiers, it does not include a priori knowledge about the problem. In fact, this classifier would do just as well if the image pixels were permuted with a fixed mapping. It is still much slower and memory hungry than the convolutional nets. However, improvements are expected as the technique is relatively new.”
Other new methods, notably Random Forests, also proved to be very effective and with lovely mathematical theory behind them. So, despite the fact that CNNs consistently had state of the art performance, enthusiasm for neural nets dissipated and the machine learning community at large once again disavowed them. Winter was back. In part 4, we shall see how a small group of researchers persevered in this research climate and ultimately made Deep Learning what it is today.
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