Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Random Forests

It’s very common for machine learning practitioners to have favorite algorithms. It’s a bit irrational, since no algorithm strictly dominates in all applications, the performance of ML algorithms varies wildly depending on the application and the dimensionality of the dataset. And even for a given problem and a given dataset, any single model will likely be beaten by an ensemble of diverse models trained by diverse algorithms anyway. But people have favorites nevertheless. Some like SVMs for the elegance of their formulation or the quality of the available implementations, some like decision rules for their simplicity and interpretability, and some are crazy about neural networks for their flexibility.
My favorite out-of-the-box algorithm is (as you might have guessed) the Random Forest, and it’s the second modeling technique I typically try on any given data set (after a linear model).

Here’s why:

  • Random Forests require almost no input preparation. They can handle binary features, categorical features, numerical features without any need for scaling.
  • Random Forests perform implicit feature selection and provide a pretty good indicator of feature importance.
  • Random Forests are very quick to train. It’s a stroke of brilliance when a performance optimization happens to enhance model precision, or vice versa. The random feature sub-setting that aims at diversifying individual trees, is at the same time a great performance optimization! Tuning down the fraction of features that is considered at any given node can let you easily work on datasets with thousands of features. (The same is applicable for row sampling if your dataset has lots of rows)
  • Random Forests are pretty tough to beat. Although you can typically find a model that beats RFs for any given dataset (typically a neural net or some boosting algorithm), it’s never by much, and it usually takes much longer to build and tune said model than it took to build the Random Forest. This is why they make for excellent benchmark models.
  • It’s really hard to build a bad Random Forest! Since random forests are not very sensitive to the specific hyper-parameters used, they don’t require a lot of tweaking and fiddling to get a decent model, just use a large number of trees and things won’t go terribly awry. Most Random Forest implementations have sensible defaults for the rest of the parameters.
  • Versatility. Random Forest are applicable to a wide variety of modeling tasks, they work well for regression tasks, work very well for classification taks(and even produce decently calibrated probability scores), and even though I’ve never tried it myself, they can be used for cluster analysis.
  • Simplicity. If not of the resulting model, then of the learning algorithm itself. The basic RF learning algorithm can be written in a few lines of code. There’s a certain irony about that. But a sense of elegance as well.
  • Lots of excellent, free, and open-source implementations. You can find a good implementation in almost all major ML libraries and toolkits. R, scikit-learn and Weka jump to mind for having exceptionally good implementations.
  • As if all of that is not enough, Random Forests can be easily grown in parallel. The same cannot be said about boosted models or large neural networks.
This beautiful visualization from scikit-learn illustrates the modelling capacity of a decision forest:
Visualization from illustrating decision boundaries and modeling capacity of a single decision tree, a random forest and some other techniques.


  • The main drawback of Random Forests is the model size. You could easily end up with a forest that takes hundreds of megabytes of memory and is slow to evaluate.
  • Another point that some might find a concern is that random forest models are black boxes that are very hard to interpret.

Some References:

Here’s a paper by Leo Breiman, the inventor of the algorithms describing random forests.
Here’s another amazing paper by Rich Caruana et al. evaluating several supervised learning algorithms on many different datasets.

Why are eight bits enough fot deep neural networks

Deep learning is a very weird technology. It evolved over decades on a very different track than the mainstream of AI, kept alive by the efforts of a handful of believers. When I started using it a few years ago, it reminded me of the first time I played with an iPhone – it felt like I’d been handed something that had been sent back to us from the future, or alien technology.
One of the consequences of that is that my engineering intuitions about it are often wrong. When I came across im2col, the memory redundancy seemed crazy, based on my experience with image processing, but it turns out it’s an efficient way to tackle the problem. While there are more complex approaches that can yield better results, they’re not the ones my graphics background would have predicted.
Another key area that seems to throw a lot of people off is how much precision you need for the calculations inside neural networks. For most of my career, precision loss has been a fairly easy thing to estimate. I almost never needed more than 32-bit floats, and if I did it was because I’d screwed up my numerical design and I had a fragile algorithm that would go wrong pretty soon even with 64 bits. 16-bit floats were good for a lot of graphics operations, as long as they weren’t chained together too deeply. I could use 8-bit values for a final output for display, or at the end of an algorithm, but they weren’t useful for much else.
It turns out that neural networks are different. You can run them with eight-bit parameters and intermediate buffers, and suffer no noticeable loss in the final results. This was astonishing to me, but it’s something that’s been re-discovered over and over again. My colleague Vincent Vanhoucke has the only paper I’ve found covering this result for deep networks, but I’ve seen with my own eyes how it holds true across every application I’ve tried it on. I’ve also had to convince almost every other engineer who I tell that I’m not crazy, and watch them prove it to themselves by running a lot of their own tests, so this post is an attempt to short-circuit some of that!

How does it work?

You can see an example of a low-precision approach in the Jetpac mobile framework, though to keep things simple I keep the intermediate calculations in float and just use eight bits to compress the weights. Nervana’s NEON library also supports fp16, though not eight-bit yet. As long as you accumulate to 32 bits when you’re doing the long dot products that are the heart of the fully-connected and convolution operations (and that take up the vast majority of the time) you don’t need float though, you can keep all your inputs and output as eight bit. I’ve even seen evidence that you can drop a bit or two below eight without too much loss! The pooling layers are fine at eight bits too, I’ve generally seen the bias addition and activation functions (other than the trivial relu) done at higher precision, but 16 bits seems fine even for those.
I’ve generally taken networks that have been trained in full float and down-converted them afterwards, since I’m focused on inference, but training can also be done at low precision. Knowing that you’re aiming at a lower-precision deployment can make life easier too, even if you train in float, since you can do things like place limits on the ranges of the activation layers.

Why does it work?

I can’t see any fundamental mathematical reason why the results should hold up so well with low precision, so I’ve come to believe that it emerges as a side-effect of a successful training process. When we are trying to teach a network, the aim is to have it understand the patterns that are useful evidence and discard the meaningless variations and irrelevant details. That means we expect the network to be able to produce good results despite a lot of noise. Dropout is a good example of synthetic grit being thrown into the machinery, so that the final network can function even with very adverse data.
The networks that emerge from this process have to be very robust numerically, with a lot of redundancy in their calculations so that small differences in input samples don’t affect the results. Compared to differences in pose, position, and orientation, the noise in images is actually a comparatively small problem to deal with. All of the layers are affected by those small input changes to some extent, so they all develop a tolerance to minor variations. That means that the differences introduced by low-precision calculations are well within the tolerances a network has learned to deal with. Intuitively, they feel like weebles that won’t fall down no matter how much you push them, thanks to an inherently stable structure.
At heart I’m an engineer, so I’ve been happy to see it works in practice without worrying too much about why, I don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth! What I’ve laid out here is my best guess at the cause of this property, but I would love to see a more principled explanation if any researchers want to investigate more thoroughly? [Update – here’s a related paper from Matthieu Courbariaux, thanks Scott!]

What does this mean?

This is very good news for anyone trying to optimize deep neural networks. On the general CPU side, modern SIMD instruction sets are often geared towards float, and so eight bit calculations don’t offer a massive computational advantage on recent x86 or ARM chips. DRAM access takes a lot of electrical power though, and is slow too, so just reducing the bandwidth by 75% can be a very big help. Being able to squeeze more values into fast, low-power SRAM cache and registers is a win too.
GPUs were originally designed to take eight bit texture values, perform calculations on them at higher precisions, and then write them back out at eight bits again, so they’re a perfect fit for our needs. They generally have very wide pipes to DRAM, so the gains aren’t quite as straightforward to achieve, but can be exploited with a bit of work. I’ve learned to appreciate DSPs as great low-power solutions too, and their instruction sets are geared towards the sort of fixed-point operations we need. Custom vision chips like Movidius’ Myriad are good fits too.
Deep networks’ robustness means that they can be implemented efficiently across a very wide range of hardware. Combine this flexibility with their almost-magical effectiveness at a lot of AI tasks that have eluded us for decades, and you can see why I’m so excited about how they will alter our world over the next few years!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

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Friday, September 4, 2015

Implementing a Neural Network from Scratch – An Introduction
Get the code: To follow along, all the code is also available as an iPython notebook on Github.
In this post we will implement a simple 3-layer neural network from scratch. We won’t derive all the math that’s required, but I will try to give an intuitive explanation of what we are doing. I will also point to resources for you read up on the details.
Here I’m assuming that you are familiar with basic Calculus and Machine Learning concepts, e.g. you know what classification and regularization is. Ideally you also know a bit about how optimization techniques like gradient descent work. But even if you’re not familiar with any of the above this post could still turn out to be interesting ;)
But why implement a Neural Network from scratch at all? Even if you plan on using Neural Network libraries like PyBrain in the future, implementing a network from scratch at least once is an extremely valuable exercise. It helps you gain an understanding of how neural networks work, and that is essential for designing effective models.
One thing to note is that the code examples here aren’t terribly efficient. They are meant to be easy to understand. In an upcoming post I will explore how to write an efficient Neural Network implementation using Theano.

Generating a dataset

Let’s start by generating a dataset we can play with. Fortunately, scikit-learn has some useful dataset generators, so we don’t need to write the code ourselves. We will go with the make_moons function.
A moon-shaped dataset with two classes.
The dataset we generated has two classes, plotted as red and blue points. You can think of the blue dots as male patients and the red dots as female patients, with the x- and y- axis being medical measurements.
Our goal is to train a Machine Learning classifier that predicts the correct class (male of female) given the x- and y- coordinates. Note that the data is not linearly separable, we can’t draw a straight line that separates the two classes. This means that linear classifiers, such as Logistic Regression, won’t be able to fit the data unless you hand-engineer non-linear features (such as polynomials) that work well for the given dataset.
In fact, that’s one of the major advantages of Neural Networks. You don’t need to worry about feature engineering. The hidden layer of a neural network will learn features for you.

Logistic Regression

To demonstrate the point let’s train a Logistic Regression classifier. It’s input will be the x- and y-values and the output the predicted class (0 or 1). To make our life easy we use the Logistic Regression class from scikit-learn.
Linear Regression decision boundary
The graph shows the decision boundary learned by our Logistic Regression classifier. It separates the data as good as it can using a straight line, but it’s unable to capture the “moon shape” of our data.

Training a Neural Network

Let’s now build a 3-layer neural network with one input layer, one hidden layer, and one output layer. The number of nodes in the input layer is determined by the dimensionality of our data, 2. Similarly, the number of nodes in the output layer is determined by the number of classes we have, also 2. (Because we only have 2 classes we could actually get away with only one output node predicting 0 or 1, but having 2 makes it easier to extend the network to more classes later on). The input to the network will be x- and y- coordinates and its output will be two probabilities, one for class 0 (“female”) and one for class 1 (“male”). It looks something like this:
3-Layer neural network diagram
We can choose the dimensionality (the number of nodes) of the hidden layer. The more nodes we put into the hidden layer the more complex functions we will be able fit. But higher dimensionality comes at a cost. First, more computation is required to make predictions and learn the network parameters. A bigger number of parameters also means we become more prone to overfitting our data.
How to choose the size of the hidden layer? While there are some general guidelines and recommendations, it always depends on your specific problem and is more of an art than a science. We will play with the number of nodes in the hidden later later on and see how it affects our output.
We also need to pick an activation function for our hidden layer. The activation function transforms the inputs of the layer into its outputs. A nonlinear activation function is what allows us to fit nonlinear hypotheses. Common chocies for activation functions are tanh, the sigmoid function, or ReLUs. We will use tanh, which performs quite well in many scenarios. A nice property of these functions is that their derivate can be computed using the original function value. For example, the derivative of \tanh x is 1-\tanh^2 x. This is useful because it allows us to compute \tanh x once and re-use its value later on to get the derivative.
Because we want our network to output probabilities the activation function for the output layer will be the softmax, which is simply a way to convert raw scores to probabilities. If you’re familiar with the logistic function you can think of softmax as its generalization to multiple classes.

How our network makes predictions

Our network makes predictions using forward propagation, which is just a bunch of matrix multiplications and the application of the activation function(s) we defined above. If x is the 2-dimensional input to our network then we calculate our prediction \hat{y} (also two-dimensional) as follows:
\begin{aligned}  z_1 & = xW_1 + b_1 \\  a_1 & = \tanh(z_1) \\  z_2 & = a_1W_2 + b_2 \\  a_2 & = \hat{y} = \mathrm{softmax}(z_2)  \end{aligned}
z_i is the input of layer i and a_i is the output of layer i after applying the activation function. W_1, b_1, W_2, b_2 are parameters of our network, which we need to learn from our training data. You can think of them as matrices transforming data between layers of the network. Looking at the matrix multiplications above we can figure out the dimensionality of these matrices. If we use 500 nodes for our hidden layer then W_1 \in \mathbb{R}^{2\times500}, b_1 \in \mathbb{R}^{500}, W_2 \in \mathbb{R}^{500\times2}, b_2 \in \mathbb{R}^{2}. Now you see why we have more parameters if we increase the size of the hidden layer.

Learning the Parameters

Learning the parameters for our network means finding parameters (W_1, b_1, W_2, b_2) that minimize the error on our training data. But how do we define the error? We call the function that measures our error the loss function. A common choice with the softmax output is the cross-entropy loss. If we have N training examples and C classes then the loss for our prediction \hat{y} with respect to the true labels y is given by:
\begin{aligned}  L(y,\hat{y}) = - \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n \in N} \sum_{i \in C} y_{n,i} \log\hat{y}_{n,i}  \end{aligned}
The formula looks complicated, but all it really does is sum over our training examples and add to the loss if we predicted the incorrect class. So, the further away y (the correct labels) and \hat{y} (our predictions) are, the greater our loss will be.
Remember that our goal is to find the parameters that minimize our loss function. We can use gradient descent to find the minimum. I will implement the most vanilla version of gradient descent, also called batch gradient descent with a fixed learning rate. Variations such as SGD (stochastic gradient descent) or minibatch gradient descent typically perform better in practice. So if you are serious you’ll want to use one of these, and ideally you would also decay the learning rate over time.
As an input, gradient descent needs the gradients (vector of derivatives) of the loss function with respect to our parameters: \frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{W_1}}, \frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{b_1}}, \frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{W_2}}, \frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{b_2}}. To calculate these gradients we use the famous backpropagation algorithm, which is a way to efficiently calculate the gradients starting from the output. I won’t go into detail how backpropagation works, but there are many excellent explanations (here or here) floating around the web.
Applying the backpropagation formula we find the following (trust me on this):
\begin{aligned}  & \delta_3 = y - \hat{y} \\  & \delta_2 = (1 - \tanh^2 z_2) \circ \delta_3W_2^T \\  & \frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{W_2}} = a_1^T \delta_3 \\  & \frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{b_2}} = \delta_3\\  & \frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{W_1}} = x^T \delta2\\  & \frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{b_1}} = \delta2 \\  \end{aligned}


Now we are ready for our implementation. We start by defining some useful variables and parameters for gradient descent:
First let’s implement the loss function we defined above. We use this to evaluate how well our model is doing:
We also implement a helper function to calculate the output of the network. It does forward propagation as defined above and returns the class with the highest probability.
Finally, here comes the function to train our Neural Network. It implements batch gradient descent using the backpropagation derivates we found above.

A network with a hidden layer of size 3

Let’s see what happens if we train a network with a hidden layer size of 3.
Neural Network decision boundary with hidden layer size 3
Yay! This looks pretty good. Our neural networks was able to find a decision boundary that successfully separates the classes.

Varying the hidden layer size

In the example above we picked a hidden layer size of 3. Let’s now get a sense of how varying the hidden layer size affects the result.
Neural Network decision boundaries with varying hidden layer size
We can see that a hidden layer of low dimensionality nicely captures the general trend of our data. Higher dimensionalities are prone to overfitting. They are “memorizing” the data as opposed to fitting the general shape. If we were to evaluate our model on a separate test set (and you should!) the model with a smaller hidden layer size would likely perform better due to better generalization. We could counteract overfitting with stronger regularization, but picking the a correct size for hidden layer is a much more “economical” solution.


Here are some things you can try to become more familiar with the code:
  1. Instead of batch gradient descent, use minibatch gradient descent (more info) to train the network. Minibatch gradient descent typically performs better in practice.
  2. We used a fixed learning rate \epsilon for gradient descent. Implement an annealing schedule for the gradient descent learning rate (more info).
  3. We used a \tanh activation function for our hidden layer. Experiment with other activation functions (some are mentioned above). Note that changing the activation function also means changing the backpropagation derivative.
  4. Extend the network from two to three classes. You will need to generate an appropriate dataset for this.
  5. Extend the network to four layers. Experiment with the layer size. Adding another hidden layer means you will need to adjust both the forward propagation as well as the backpropagation code.