Posted by Christian Szegedy, Software Engineer
The ImageNet large-scale visual recognition challenge (
is the largest academic challenge in computer vision, held annually to
test state-of-the-art technology in image understanding, both in the
sense of recognizing objects in images and locating where they are.
Participants in the competition include leading academic institutions
and industry labs. In 2012 it was won by DNNResearch using the
convolutional neural network approach described in the now-seminal
paper by Krizhevsky et al.[4]
In this year’s challenge, team GoogLeNet (named in homage to
Yann LeCun's
influential convolutional network) placed first in the classification
and detection (with extra training data) tasks, doubling the quality on
both tasks over last year's results. The team participated with an open
submission, meaning that the exact details of its approach are shared
with the wider computer vision community to foster collaboration and
accelerate progress in the field.
The competition has three tracks: classification, classification with localization, and detection. The
classification track measures an algorithm’s ability to assign correct labels to an image. The
classification with localization
track is designed to assess how well an algorithm models both the
labels of an image and the location of the underlying objects. Finally,
detection challenge is similar, but uses much stricter
evaluation criteria. As an additional difficulty, this challenge
includes a lot of images with tiny objects which are hard to recognize.
Superior performance in the detection challenge requires pushing beyond
annotating an image with a “bag of labels” -- a model must be able to
describe a complex scene by accurately locating and identifying many
objects in it. As examples, the images in this post are actual
top-scoring inferences of the GoogleNet detection model on the
validation set of the detection challenge.
This work was a concerted effort by
Wei Liu,
Yangqing Jia,
Pierre Sermanet,
Scott Reed,
Drago Anguelov,
Dumitru Erhan,
Andrew Rabinovich and
Two of the team members -- Wei Liu and Scott Reed -- are PhD students
who are a part of the intern program here at Google, and actively
participated in the work leading to the submissions. Without their
dedication the team could not have won the detection challenge.
This effort was accomplished by using the
DistBelief infrastructure,
which makes it possible to train neural networks in a distributed
manner and rapidly iterate. At the core of the approach is a radically
redesigned convolutional network architecture. Its seemingly complex
structure (typical incarnations of which consist of over 100 layers with
a maximum depth of over 20 parameter layers), is based on two insights:
Hebbian principle and
scale invariance.
As the consequence of a careful balancing act, the depth and width of
the network are both increased significantly at the cost of a modest
growth in evaluation time. The resultant architecture leads to over 10x
reduction in the number of parameters compared to most state of the art
vision networks. This reduces overfitting during training and allows our
system to perform inference with low memory footprint.
For the detection challenge, the improved neural network model is used in the sophisticated
R-CNN detector by Ross Girshick et al.[2], with additional proposals coming from the
multibox method[1]. For the classification challenge entry,
several ideas from the work of Andrew Howard[3]
were incorporated and extended, specifically as they relate to image
sampling during training and evaluation. The systems were evaluated both
stand-alone and as ensembles (averaging the outputs of up to seven
models) and their results were submitted as separate entries for
transparency and comparison.
These technological advances will enable even better image understanding
on our side and the progress is directly transferable to Google
products such as photo search, image search, YouTube, self-driving cars,
and any place where it is useful to understand
what is in an image as well as
where things are.
[1] Erhan D., Szegedy C., Toshev, A., and Anguelov, D.,
"Scalable Object Detection using Deep Neural Networks",
The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014, pp. 2147-2154.
[2] Girshick, R., Donahue, J., Darrell, T., & Malik, J.,
"Rich feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic segmentation",
arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.2524, 2013.
[3] Howard, A. G.,
"Some Improvements on Deep Convolutional Neural Network Based Image Classification",
arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.5402, 2013.
[4] Krizhevsky, A., Sutskever I., and Hinton, G.,
"Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks",
Advances in neural information processing systems, 2012.
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