Saturday, October 20, 2018

Raster Vision: A New Open Source Framework for Deep Learning on Satellite and Aerial Imagery

An open source framework for deep learning on satellite and aerial imagery.

What is Raster Vision?

Raster Vision is an open source framework for Python developers building computer vision models on satellite, aerial, and other large imagery sets, including non-georeferenced data like oblique drone imagery. It allows engineers to quickly and repeatably configure experiments that go through core components of a machine learning workflow: analyzing training data, creating training chips, training models, creating predictions, evaluating models, and bundling the model files and configuration for easy deployment.
The input to a Raster Vision workflow is a set of images and training data, optionally with Areas of Interest (AOIs), that describe where the images are labeled. Running a workflow results in evaluation metrics and a packaged model and configuration that enables easy deployment. Raster Vision also supports running multiple experiments at once to find the best model (or models) to deploy.

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