Machine Learning: 2014-2015
Course materials
Lecture 2: Linear prediction slides Video
Lecture 3: Maximum likelihood slides.pdf Video
Lectures 4 & 5: Regularizers, basis functions and cross-validation slides.pdf Video 1 Video 2
Lecture 6: Optimisation slides.pdf Video
Lecture 7: Logistic regression slides.pdf Video
Lecture 8: Back-propagation and layer-wise design of neural nets slides.pdf Video
Lecture 9: Neural networks and deep learning with Torch slides.pdf Video
Lecture 10: Convolutional neural networks slides.pdf Video
Lecture 11: Max-margin learning and siamese networks slides.pdf Video
Lecture 12: Recurrent neural networks and LSTMs slides.pdf Video
Lecture 13: Hand-writing with recurrent neural networks (Guest speaker: Alex Graves from Google Deepmind)
Lecture 14: Variational autoencoders and image generation (Guest speaker: Karol Gregor from Google Deepmind)
Lecture 15: Reinforcement learning with direct policy search slides.pdf
Lecture 16: Reinforcement learning with action-value functions slides.pdf
Practicals will use Torch, a powerful programming framework for deep learning that is very popular at Google and Facebook research.
Practical on week 2: (1) Learning Lua and the tensor library. pdf
Practical on week 3: (2) Online and batch linear regression. pdf
Practical on week 4: (3) Logistic regression and optimization. pdf
Practical on week 5: continued previous practical.
Practical on week 6: (4) Feedforward neural networks, and implementing your own layer. pdf
Practical on week 7: (5) Intro to nngraph for graph-shaped modules. pdf
Practical on week 8: (6) Training a LSTM language model. pdf
See the Github repository list for the practicals' code and technical instructions.
Class on Week 3: Problem set. Due 1pm Thursday of Week 2.
Class on Week 5: Problem set. Due 1pm Thursday of Week 4.
Class on Week 7: Problem set. Due 1pm Thursday of Week 6.
Class on Week 8: Problem set. Due 1pm Thursday of Week 7.
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